In Outaouais, CPO ISOLATION offers personalized residential and commercial insulation services.

Our team can perform:

  • Insulation of walls, floors and suspended ceilings with flexible fiberglass panels;
  • Attic insulation or attic airspace (flat roofs) with blown cellulose or blown fiberglass;
  • Adding insulation on top of existing insulation to increase efficiency (thermal resistance);
  • Replacement of inadequate or damaged insulation from rodents or raccoons;
  • Replacement of insulation that has been displaced by rodents or raccoons.

Our team can also carry out the complete decontamination of attics or basements that are overgrown with mold or that would have been visited by rodents, raccoons, bats or birds. To do this, we use effective products licensed by Health Canada.

Contact us

Contact the CPO ISOLATION team for a decontamination or insulation of the attic or attic airspace, walls, floors or ceilings. Our team travels to all of the cities in the Outaouais region.

You can reach us by phone at (819) 743-5506 to obtain more information on our services or to ask for a free estimate.

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